2.5-16V Car and installing an Evo 2 Engine in it ?!

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2.5-16V Car and installing an Evo 2 Engine in it ?!

Beitragvon Cloudini » 11. Jun 2019, 22:01

Hello here,

I recently came across an Original Evo 2 Engine (102-992) engine which im interested in, downside is that the engine needs to be rebuild, but the bare engine is 100% complete, so no intake or exhaust

I was curious what parts are needed to have it running good,
For example, is the engine electric harness of an 2.5-15v the same as an evo 2, and the Bosch/ke-jettronic ecu is that the same ?

The Ezl is an 010 545 94 32 so that has another pre ignition timing curve,
Is the ke-jettronic of an stock 2.5-16 different to that of an evo 2 ?
Fuel pump also different ? In term of pressure ?

Im aware of the oil cooler so that i know,

What do you guys think ?
Kind regards
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Re: 2.5-16V Car and installing an Evo 2 Engine in it ?!

Beitragvon Steffen102992 » 14. Jun 2019, 01:18

As far as I remember....
EZL, KE-ECU, Fuel-Relay, Throttle body is different.
Intake Manifold I'm not sure.
Distributor and EHS maybe are adjustable to Evo 2 specs.

Harness, Exhaust manifold are the same as 2,5-16.

The parts are hard to get, so I think an EFI Conversion with ITB is the easier way, and brings you a lot of more horses!
MfG, Steffen!

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Re: 2.5-16V Car and installing an Evo 2 Engine in it ?!

Beitragvon Cloudini » 15. Jun 2019, 21:18

Thank you for your reply Steffen

What do u mean by EHS ?
I see that u are driving an 2.5-15v with Evo 2 engine, how does this engine feels driving compared to the normal 2.5-16v

Im not expecting alot of differents however hoping for a slightly more torque engine yet again im
Not expecting alot of different feel, its just cool to have an evo 2 Replica car with an Evo 2 engine ( i hope) and more top end power,

What i so far have checked was the MB item numbers in differents

M102.990 VS. M102.992 engine
Throttle Body
A0021401553. A1021400453

Intake manifold
A1021408701. A1021400651

The lower part of the intake manifold
A1021401618. A1021402118

Exhaust Manifold
A1021404109. SAME

A0065453732 Or A0065453832. A0105459432

KE-Jetronic ECU
A0065450232. A0105457432

Fuel Pump Relay
A0135450132. SAME

Engine wiring Harnass (Both with Klima)
A2015402433. A2015431706 OR A2015438906

Its hard for me because the lack of parts to visually compare, i wonder what the differents is for the intake manifold, maybe its slightly bigger? Also for the throttle body ?
As for the ECU's i guess its all about digits :biggrin:
80 Ventiler
80 Ventiler
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