Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

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Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Exscom » 6. Sep 2018, 11:24

Tell me how the plate is centered.
And it is possible to obtain a drawing of the plate. Thanks in advance.
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Registriert: 7. Mai 2017, 10:11
Autos: Mercedes w201

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 6. Sep 2018, 12:34

Hi Exscom :winken:

We made a complete drawing and later CAD-drawing of the crankshaft, engine block, oil pump and the crankshafts movement. From that we step by step searched the position for the oil pump by calculating the length of the chain, circumference of the gear wheels, available space and found a position were the pump could be located without colliding with other moving parts. At the end we put shims in step of 0,10mm between the plate and the screws for the main bearing caps to adjust the tension of the chain.

I will post some more pictures of the plate to give you a good idea about how we did (not today). But I do not want to send CAD-drawings that we made/use. Mostly out of respect to the work producing them, we put down about 3 months of work before we had the final plate and CAD-drawings.

As you can see already in the previously posted pictures we made several versions of the plate for the testing and adjustments. The first pictures posted shows the first version, this was only a plate with 5mm thickness for finding the correct position of the gear wheel. After the correct position was found we made another plate that could handle the transportation of oil, had space for the crankshaft/connecting rod and hole for the oil dipstick. I believe we made 3 different plates for testing before we had the final product. The final plate was then anodized into black. Both to have a harder surface but also so that if any crack occur it shall be easier to find.

I'm glad that you like the pictures from the project and find them inspiring.


Exscom hat geschrieben:Tell me how the plate is centered.
And it is possible to obtain a drawing of the plate. Thanks in advance.
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Registriert: 13. Jun 2018, 20:39
Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Exscom » 6. Sep 2018, 12:58

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 7. Mai 2017, 10:11
Autos: Mercedes w201

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 7. Sep 2018, 16:00

Hi again :winken:

Oil is feed from the pump through channels inside the plate. Oil exits from the plate and are feed into the main oil channel of the engines. Tight to build but working very well.









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Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 7. Sep 2018, 16:17






After final testing and adjustments the plate anodized in black for reason described in previous post.




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Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Exscom » 7. Sep 2018, 16:40

Thank you.
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 7. Mai 2017, 10:11
Autos: Mercedes w201

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Steffen102992 » 7. Sep 2018, 22:19

Wow, that's really good work!
You guys know what you to do!
From first pictures I didn't understand how the plate works, but now I understand it.
I think there's no way to do it better!

Big respect!
MfG, Steffen!

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-190E 1,8 Avantgarde Rosso Bj 92
-124er Cabrio E34 AMG Bj.93 (Basis 300CE-24)
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Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 11. Sep 2018, 10:22

Thank you Steffen!

I'm glad to hear that you like what you see. :super

Hopefully it will be a good inspiration if someone is considering to rebuild their car/engine.

Unfortunately I'm about to run out of pictures to post. I have been focused on rebuilding the car and wasn't as good with the camera.

Steffen102992 hat geschrieben:Wow, that's really good work!
You guys know what you to do!
From first pictures I didn't understand how the plate works, but now I understand it.
I think there's no way to do it better!

Big respect!
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Registriert: 13. Jun 2018, 20:39
Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 8. Okt 2018, 14:42

Hi Guys,

The posts are now up to date. You will get some pictures as the project goes along. First up is some pictures from the past weekend.

Any guessing on what we are up to? :gruebeln:

2018-10-04 17.38.58.jpg

2018-10-06 12.41.14.jpg

2018-10-06 16.57.41.jpg

2018-10-06 17.48.18.jpg
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Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Steffen102992 » 12. Okt 2018, 00:29

No idea, it looks like a new version of your Oil pump-plate.... But let me know! :coool:
MfG, Steffen!

Mitglied im 190E-16V Club e.V.

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-190E 2,5-16 Evo 1 Bj. 89 in Restauration
-190E 2,5-16 Bj.91 mit Evo2 Motor,EDK
-190E 2,3-16 RÜF Bj. 87
-190E 2,3-16 KAT Bj. 86
-190E 1,8 Avantgarde Rosso Bj 92
-124er Cabrio E34 AMG Bj.93 (Basis 300CE-24)
-S211 E220 T CDI Bj. 08
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Registriert: 9. Sep 2005, 00:00
Wohnort: Raum Gießen /Wetzlar (Mittelhessen)
Autos: W201, A124, S211

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 12. Okt 2018, 07:42

Steffen102992 hat geschrieben:No idea, it looks like a new version of your Oil pump-plate.... But let me know! :coool:

Hi Steffen :winken:

Same material as the oil pump-plate... But this one is bigger and not for the engine. Unfortunately I didn't have any smaller piece of material so there is plenty of wasted aluminum for this piece. I think the pictures below will give a better idea about what's being produced this time :gruebeln: :)

2018-10-06 18.32.44.jpg

2018-10-06 18.32.48.jpg

2018-10-06 18.40.01.jpg

2018-10-06 19.57.35.jpg

2018-10-06 19.57.39.jpg

2018-10-11 21.20.28.jpg

2018-10-11 23.02.53.jpg

2018-10-11 23.02.56.jpg

2018-10-11 23.02.58.jpg
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Registriert: 13. Jun 2018, 20:39
Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Steffen102992 » 12. Okt 2018, 21:32

Aha... Looks like an oilpump - Plate for dry sump lubrication....for "outsourcing" the Oil

Also eine Adapterplatte für Trockensumpfschmierung! :super

This hobby is so much easier, if you have suitable machinery! :biggrin:
MfG, Steffen!

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-190E 2,5-16 Evo 1 Bj. 89 in Restauration
-190E 2,5-16 Bj.91 mit Evo2 Motor,EDK
-190E 2,3-16 RÜF Bj. 87
-190E 2,3-16 KAT Bj. 86
-190E 1,8 Avantgarde Rosso Bj 92
-124er Cabrio E34 AMG Bj.93 (Basis 300CE-24)
-S211 E220 T CDI Bj. 08
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Wohnort: Raum Gießen /Wetzlar (Mittelhessen)
Autos: W201, A124, S211

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon db16v » 13. Okt 2018, 21:00


Sollte der Deckel fürs Diff sein mit Anschluss für Ölkühler.

Gruß Thomas
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Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Steffen102992 » 13. Okt 2018, 21:50

Stimmt, jetzt wo du es sagst sehe ich es auch.... Es fehlen noch die äußeren Löcher um den Deckel festzuschrauben....
Boah, was ne Arbeit, aber das hätte man doch auch aus dem alten Deckel bauen können.... So ist es natürlich professioneller. :wink:
MfG, Steffen!

Mitglied im 190E-16V Club e.V.

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-190E 2,5-16 Evo 1 Bj. 89 in Restauration
-190E 2,5-16 Bj.91 mit Evo2 Motor,EDK
-190E 2,3-16 RÜF Bj. 87
-190E 2,3-16 KAT Bj. 86
-190E 1,8 Avantgarde Rosso Bj 92
-124er Cabrio E34 AMG Bj.93 (Basis 300CE-24)
-S211 E220 T CDI Bj. 08
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Autos: W201, A124, S211

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 12. Nov 2018, 16:29

Hi Guys :winken:

You are correct it's the cover for the differential. It's an adapter to make the larger ASD-differential from SL300 (in this case) fit with the W201 rear sub-frame. I also took the opportunity to add some connections for the possibility to install an oil cooler later on (if needed).

Almost finished now. In the background you can see the original cover that came with the ASD-differential. Sorry for the old bolts, they will be replaced ;)








I'm also about to install a setup with a 722.634 gearbox. Plan is to run it with a high RPM converter and stand alone controller. More about that will follow.
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Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Nagilum » 13. Nov 2018, 05:00

The plate is quite interesting, since the original differentials can't take much more power (torque) as the stock engine delivers.
I already wreckted 2 "small" differentials, but since these custom parts are hard to get or have to be paid with gold... I guess I have to put myself some more 3.07 into the rack.
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Autos: 190E 2.5-16

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 13. Nov 2018, 08:21

Nagilum hat geschrieben:The plate is quite interesting, since the original differentials can't take much more power (torque) as the stock engine delivers.
I already wreckted 2 "small" differentials, but since these custom parts are hard to get or have to be paid with gold... I guess I have to put myself some more 3.07 into the rack.

We have the exact same experience. The original differential seems to break once the torque is increased. What we seen is that first the plastic washers inside the differential gets squeezed, which results in a increased backlash and then the gearwheel breaks. From what I seen in other projects the bigger ASD-differential that we are installing now are not affected by the same problems (cross my fingers).
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Registriert: 13. Jun 2018, 20:39
Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon dbr » 14. Nov 2018, 10:46

jeandersson hat geschrieben:We have the exact same experience. The original differential seems to break once the torque is increased. What we seen is that first the plastic washers inside the differential gets squeezed, which results in a increased backlash and then the gearwheel breaks. From what I seen in other projects the bigger ASD-differential that we are installing now are not affected by the same problems (cross my fingers).

I do not know the original differentials, just W124 ASD, but wouldn't it be possible to replace the plastic washers with selfmade parts made out of metal or a stronger polymer?
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Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon Nagilum » 14. Nov 2018, 16:25

jeandersson hat geschrieben:We have the exact same experience. The original differential seems to break once the torque is increased. What we seen is that first the plastic washers inside the differential gets squeezed, which results in a increased backlash and then the gearwheel breaks. From what I seen in other projects the bigger ASD-differential that we are installing now are not affected by the same problems (cross my fingers).

I never had a complete broken one, but strong abrasion on the wheels and the diff became louder than my exhaust. We removed the ASD sensor once and it hat lots of metal sticking on it. Not sure if the plastic part is really the problem.
"Verbreitet ist die Bezeichnung Freund, doch selten ist die Treue."
- Phaedrus, Fabeln
Beiträge: 5088
Registriert: 12. Sep 2006, 02:48
Wohnort: BOR
Autos: 190E 2.5-16

Re: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16V Turbo

Beitragvon jeandersson » 14. Nov 2018, 16:28

dbr hat geschrieben:
jeandersson hat geschrieben:We have the exact same experience. The original differential seems to break once the torque is increased. What we seen is that first the plastic washers inside the differential gets squeezed, which results in a increased backlash and then the gearwheel breaks. From what I seen in other projects the bigger ASD-differential that we are installing now are not affected by the same problems (cross my fingers).

I do not know the original differentials, just W124 ASD, but wouldn't it be possible to replace the plastic washers with selfmade parts made out of metal or a stronger polymer?

Suppose it should be possible. Is there someone who have tried? :gruebeln: I hope my problems shall be over now so that I can just forget about the differential :Daumenhoch:
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Registriert: 13. Jun 2018, 20:39
Autos: Mercedes 190e 2.3-16v


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